Town of Falmouth Residential Customers

Like it or not, we live in a world where few people try anything without first getting a referral from a friend or, as likely, an online review. The facts are overwhelming:

  • 83% of people don’t trust ads (Web Tribunal)
  • 88% of customers won’t take action until they read reviews (Podium)
  • 49% trust an online review as much as one from a friend (BrightLocal)
  • 86% of consumers would consider writing a review for a business (Brightlocal)
  • Online business reviews are proven to have a significant positive impact on conversions
    (Spiegel Research Center)
  • 95% of travelers read reviews prior to booking (highly important for our Cape Cod travel/hospitality industry)

Encouraging your customers to provide online reviews is one of the best ways to grow your business. It’s great! You’re getting customers to do your selling for you.  What could be more persuasive?

Here are 4 hints on how to maximize reviews.

  1. Google Business Profile: if you want your business to be readily found on Google, you must have a Google Business Profile (that box of information next to web listings).  In the past, Google required you to have a physical business location. That changed during the pandemic as remote businesses prevailed. So sign up today at Ask your customers to post a testimonial on your Google profile. It will definitely improve your search ranking and drive customers to your site. Research done for SCORE confirmed that our #1 source of visitors is Google Business Profile.   We see that with other businesses too.  These testimonials enhance your credibility and allow your customers to have a voice.
  2. Send a post-purchase email thanking the customer for their purchase and ask (it doesn’t happen without an ask) for a review. This reenforces your level of customer service and helps avoid negative reviews if the experience was bad. Ask your customers to post on Google Business Profile  (provide them the link) or on your site.
  3. Encourage reviews on your website. Provide a short form with a rating and a few sentences about their experience. Include these reviews on your landing page and also on product pages. Reviews on product pages are proven to significantly increase conversion. Remember: consumers who take the time to provide reviews love to be featured.
  4. Use your social media to ask for reviews. Create a post where you ask users what they like about your product/service/store. You can then take those testimonials and place them on your website or use them in ads, communications, emails, wherever you are reaching current and potential customers. Don’t be reluctant to use all your testimonials across your communication programs.

One important caveat relates to negative reviews. They happen and ironically, they improve your credibility as consumers know nothing is perfect.  Monitor reviews and respond within 48 hours to manage any issues. It reinforces your concern for your customers and their experience with you.  Don’t let it sit there!

So get those customers working for you today. It’s an easy way to build business.five yellow stars with pink and blue background

Need help with customer reviews or other business questions?  SCORE Cape Cod & the Islands provides free, confidential mentoring.  Contact us at, at 508-775-4884 or on our website at to set a meeting with our mentors.