Town of Falmouth Residential Customers

Here’s an easy way for you to be a little greener {and healthier too}. If you got a late start on your garden this year, you shouldn’t worry because there are many other ways you can still eat food that is locally sourced!

Cape Cod has a plethora of Farmers Markets – there’s one every single day in the summer months. Support your local farmers by buying fresh and buying local and consider supporting markets and restaurants that source their food locally.

Next summer, consider joining a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) so you can get fresh, organic produce delivered to you for a great price. CSA’s are a group of members who pledge to support a farm or garden operation and become part of the “community”. By supporting local food production, you’re reducing the costs and energy that goes in to food transport, which keeps the planet greener.

Check out Buy Fresh Buy Local’s guide to farmers markets, CSA’s, eateries that use {or may even grow their own} produce and ingredients, local farms and more. 

Click here for a schedule of the daily {yes, DAILY} Farmers Markets on Cape Cod.